Events in Bibliomediateca

Bibliomediateca – from 19th to25th novembre 2010

-19 november 2010, at 8.30 p.m.

The first evening in our HITCHCOCKIANA series of presentations and screenings on the master of the thriller, organised in partnership with DAMS Cinema and the “Gli ultracorpi” university group.


The inaugural evening of HITCHCOCKIANA, featuring a presentation of three new publications on the eternal master of the thriller, Alfred Hitchcock, will be on Friday the 19th of November 2010, at 8.30 p.m. in the Bibliomediateca. The three books – Gli uccelli di Alfred Hitchcock (Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds) by Danilo Arona (published by Edizioni Unmondoaparte, 2010); Hitchcock: Il volto e la cosa (Hitchcock: The face and the thing) by Beatrice Balsamo (published by Mimesis, 2010) and Hitchcock e la vertigine interpretativa (Hitchcock and dramatic vertigo) by Sandro Fogli (published by Romano, 2010) – will be presented by the authors themselves, who will be joined by Professor Giulia Carluccio for a roundtable discussion which will go over recent publications about this film director.  Introduction by Sonia Del Secco (National Cinema Museum). A screening of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds will follow.



 -22 november 2010, at 3,30 p.m.

STORIE INSOLITE (UNUSUAL STORIES): A tribute to Claude Chabrol’s screening of the film L’ivresse du pouvoir (Comedy of Power), introduced by Andrea Mattacheo.


The last event in the STORIE INSOLITE (UNUSUAL STORIES): A tribute to Claude Chabrol festival will take place in the Bibliomediateca on Monday the 22nd of November 2010, at 3.30 p.m., and will feature a screening of Claude Chabrol’s film L’ivresse du pouvoir (Comedy of Power). L’ivresse du pouvoir is a film which aims to analyse, in an almost didactic way, the effect that power has on people, on who exercises his or her authority, on who succumbs to power and also on those, like the cold Jeanne Charmant-Killman, who try to unmask it. Getting to its root means ascertaining the stalemate that is facing a society that labels itself democratic but where those with power are convinced they do so in virtue of an inalienable right. Introduction by Andrea Mattacheo.