For the DIALOGHI IN CORSO presentation of newly published books, DVDs and readings, an evening devoted to classic American melodrama with a presentation of Oreste De Fornari’s books Classici americani and Roberto Manassero’s Il melodramma familiare hollywoodiano.
For the DIALOGHI IN CORSO presentation of newly published books, DVDs and readings, a new event devoted to classic American melodrama will take place on Friday, 16 September 2011 at 8.30 p.m. in the Bibliomediateca, with a presentation of Oreste De Fornari’s books Classici americani and Roberto Manassero’s Il melodramma familiare hollywoodiano, published by Le Mani Microart's, 2011.
Alongside the authors, there will be contributions from Giulia Carluccio (University of Turin) and Giaime Alonge (University of Turin). Introduced by Andrea Mattacheo (University of Turin). The event has been organised in partnership with the University of Turin’s DAMS college for the performing arts. Afterwards there will be a screening of Douglas Sirk’s film Written on the Wind.