Events in Bibliomediateca

Bibliomediateca - from 21 to 27 october 2011

- FRIDAY 21 OCTOBER – at 8.30 p.m.

A presentation of the book Il professor matusa e i suoi hippies: Cinema e musica in Italia negli anni Sessanta by Steve Della Casa and Paolo Manera for the DIALOGHI IN CORSO series of new books, DVDs and readings.


 The next event in the DIALOGHI IN CORSO series will be on Friday, 21 October 2011 at 8.30 p.m., with a presentation of the book entitled Il professor matusa e i suoi hippies: Cinema e musica in Italia negli anni Sessanta by Steve Della Casa and Paolo Manera, published by Bonanno Editore, 2011.

The authors will be joined by Giulia Carluccio and Silvio Alovisio. The evening has been organised in partnership with the University of Turin’s DAMS college for the performing arts.



- MONDAY 24 OCTOBER – at 3.30 p.m.

The final event in the series entitled BOTTA E RISPOSTA! (VERBAL CROSSFIRE)! Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau in film, features a screening of Billy Wilder’s film The Front Page. Introduced by Mariella Lazzarin.


 The last event in the series entitled BOTTA E RISPOSTA! (VERBAL CROSSFIRE)! Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau in film, on Monday, 24 October 2011 at 3.30 p.m., features a screening of Billy Wilder’s film The Front Page. Introduced by Mariella Lazzarin.

The BOTTA E RISPOSTA (VERBAL CROSSFIRE)! series focuses on the artistic partnership of two great actors and friends, Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau, and is organised in partnership with the University of Turin’s DAMS college for the performing arts and the Sperduti nel buio film club, headed by Giulia Carluccio.



- WEDNESDAY 26 OCTOBER – at 3.00 p.m.

A talk on Federico Di Chio’s book L’illusione difficile: Cinema e serie tv nell’età della disillusione for the NUOVI ORIZZONTI DELLA TEORIA (NEW THEORETICAL HORIZONS): series of talks on film and media.


 The National Cinema Museum presents a new event in the NUOVI ORIZZONTI DELLA TEORIA (NEW THEORETICAL HORIZONS): series of talks on film and media in the Bibliomediateca, on Wednesday, 26 October 2011 at 3 p.m., featuring a talk on Federico Di Chio’s book L’illusione difficile: Cinema e serie tv nell’età della disillusione, published by Bompiani, 2011. The author will be joined by Guglielmo Pescatore (University of Bologna). Introduced by Giulia Carluccio (University of Turin).